The Big Charity Bash was an enormous success so look out for details of next year’s which will be bigger and better!.

Abut the Big Charity Bash Logo…
Needing a new logo for the Big Charity Bash the Monica Appeal team reached out to the young participants at Portsmouth charity Enable Ability’s social enterprise based at Landport Community Centre.
Inter Activ is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and is designed to help young people with learning difficulties to acquire new skills and confidence through work experience programmes in various skills sets to help them find meaningful employment including work placements, apprenticeships and volunteering. Workstreams include working at the Café in the Community Centre, recycling old IT equipment in the PC Repair Shop, Horticulture, Arts & Crafts and also producing walk through videos for companies who have sites they wish to help people with anxiety become familiar with before visiting.
It was this latter group (called What’s It Like?) that the Project Leader Jon Dyke and Skills Coach Kenzie Mitchell were given the task of designing something that represented Portsmouth and its charity community coming together to celebrate their common goals. The team of six young people spent time creating drawings before using their Adobe Illustrator skills to come up with this splendid design which is actually a mixture of several ideas in one.
See more here: